Thursday, September 25, 2008

Many Of Them Consistently Hype The Features Of Their Swimming Pool Cleaners

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Important pool cleaners tips - first things first, i truly understand how tasking it can be to cleanse your swimming pool, but the really excellent news is that with the appropriate varieties of pool cleaners, it truly has now become more easier than ever. Many of them consistently hype the features of their swimming pool cleaners. It surely is not adequate enough to read the really astounding features of swimming pool cleaners from the sites of makers of swimming pool cleaners.

Alternatively, read what other folks need to say about a particular swimming pool cleaner prior to buying. - such sites can truly aid you get persuaded when trying to buy your swimming pool cleaners. A colleague of mine said that he got the appropriate swimming pool cleaner after reading a full review from one of the numerous swimming pool cleaners' review sites out there. Do not fail to remember to constantly empty the swimming pool cleaner' s receptacle that does the duty of trapping the dirt. When acquiring a swimming pool cover for your swimming pool, be aware that you' ll still require to disinfect your swimming pool. Allowing it to be full of dirt is a terrible habit that can surely destroy your swimming pool cleaner pretty fast. The only variation is that the time to disinfect your swimming pool can be lessened when you regularly cover your swimming pool.

If you need to buy your swimming pool cleaner on the World Wide Web, make certain that you visit through as many World Wide Web retailers as possible before deciding to do your purchasing from one. - i do not consider it judicious to not use swimming pool cleaners due to the cost, but expose yourself as well as your family members to wellbeing hazards that are part of swimming in harmful or unhygienic swimming pools. You' ll be confounded to find identical pool cleaner less pricey at the other World Wide Web retailer you check. It is certainly also really valuable to submissively follow all the suggestions. It surely is not just enough to go through the regulations that come with swimming pool cleaners. Without following all the regulations you may perhaps end up doing what wasn' t supposed to be done to the swimming pool cleaners and ultimately spoil it.

From all the foregone it' s clear that to make certain that your swimming pool cleaner lasts really long, get and use the appropriate add - ons or replacement parts. - those individuals that think it is certainly a judicious move to buy less expensive swimming pool cleaners that aren' t as really excellent as better prized ones need to recall this - the amount of money they think they have saved acquiring the less expensive swimming pool cleaners may perhaps end up being spent on mending the swimming pool cleaner or acquiring another swimming pool cleaner when the less expensive one goes faulty. That' s obviously why it is certainly advisable when trying to buy the add - ons or replacement parts for your swimming pool cleaner to get those that will unquestionably be similar to your swimming pool cleaner.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Take Advantage Of A Business Cash Advance, Even If Your Banker Says" No.

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Considering a business cash advance - a business cash advance or an unsecured business loan may be a viable option for businesses that may not be well established, or that have had financial difficulties in the past. Let' s face it, sometimes times are tough, and even well run companies can run into financial difficulties. Sometimes referred to as an unsecured loan, a business cash advance allows businesses that are struggling financially, or that need cash for expansion and growth to get the money they need.

Unfortunately, those difficulties can make it much harder to get financing for business needs in the future. - the good news is, there are companies that are willing to work with businesses that do not have a stellar credit history. Banks are not nearly as willing to lend money to businesses that have bad marks on their credit reports. These companies specialize in making business cash advances to companies, even if they have been previously turned down by a bank. Because these companies have not been around long enough to establish a credit history, banks are more hesitant to give the loan, especially if the company is already highly leveraged. This can be especially useful to newer companies that are still experiencing cash flow difficulties that are associated with business startups.

These businesses can work with one of the many companies that offer a business cash advance program to get the funds they need to keep their business afloat during difficult financial times. - often times all you will need is to provide credit card transaction records for the past several months. For most smaller business cash advances of less than$ 100, the amount of, 000 financial information that you will be required to provide is very minimal. Those records will be used to help establish the terms of the cash advance. The most common types of business cash advance loans are the more traditional" lump sum" cash advance, where the money is transferred to your businesses account in a lump sum, or a line of credit where an account is set up for your business, and money is withdrawn from the fund only when it is needed. In order to get the cash advance you will agree to give the lender a certain percentage of your credit card sales until the cash advance has been repaid in full.

If your business need is for a large amount of cash that is all needed immediately, the traditional loan type cash advance is probably what you need. - a line of credit would be preferable to a business that will have ongoing needs for cash over an extended period of time. The disadvantage of this set up is that you will be paying interest on the entire amount of the loan, beginning when the money is transferred to the business account. Once the line of credit account is set up, the money will be available to be withdrawn in the amounts needed at that time. The big advantage is that you are only paying interest on the amount that is withdrawn from the account. The remainder of the funds stay in the account until they are needed. This can add up to a significant amount of savings over time.

Take advantage of a business cash advance, even if your banker says" No. " - do not let the fact that your business is new, or that it has had financial difficulties in the past stand in the way of getting the funding you need to keep your business running.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In Another Experience By The Same Researcher, An Earlier Stock - Price Model Had Usually Failed When External Factors Affected A Whole Industry In A Significantly Positive Or Negative Way

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Don't be defensive about your mistakes, profit from them - drawing the right lesson from an apparent mistake can produce enormous benefits. Consider the now - famous story of how Scotch Guard was discovered at 3M. The fact that you didn' t achieve the result you wanted doesn' t mean that what you did achieve isn' t worth something, maybe even something more important than you started out after.

Company chemists had been working on new chemical compounds for a variety of purposes. - as the weeks went by, the worker kept gazing idly at the white spot on her sneaker where no dirt was clinging. One day, one of these compounds was accidentally dropped onto a sneaker. Eventually she mentioned this oddity to a coworker, and ultimately a profitable new line of research was established that led to Scotch Guard. Every experiment and experience teaches us something, if we only take time to consider what the lesson is. The chemistry behind Post - it Notes were similarly discovered by accident during research into how to find very strong adhesives.

Learning the lesson should be our goal instead of minimizing the significance of what happened or trying to cover it up if it' s not the goal we intended. - he felt that this is the best way to make breakthrough improvements. Peter Drucker exhorted organizations to seek out all of their unexplained successes and failures, and to determine what really happened. You have just had an opportunity to learn something, but you have yet to complete the learning. The answer to this apparent anomaly turned out to be that a particularly unusual and desirable mix of investors had been accidentally attracted to these companies, which created a much higher stock - price multiple due to a combination of greatly expanded demand and much reduced supply of stock. Heeding Drucker' s advice, a researcher noticed that a normally effective model for forecasting the direction of a company' s stock price drastically underestimated stock - price growth from time to time. A new management process was then developed to allow companies to routinely achieve this result.

Rather than giving in to frustration and failure, the researcher pressed on. - in another experience by the same researcher, an earlier stock - price model had usually failed when external factors affected a whole industry in a significantly positive or negative way. By determining the source of over - and underestimation came a much improved model - building process that accounted for these factors, and greatly increased forecast accuracy under all circumstances. What were the causes of those setbacks? Where have you enjoyed unexpected setbacks? How can those causes be employed to create opportunities?

Monday, September 22, 2008

I' Ve Now Owned Or Been Partners In 4 Different Businesses

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Confessions of a home business owner - a little bio about how i decided to own and operate my own businesses instead of working for someone else. I' ve now owned or been partners in 4 different businesses.

The Beginning. - for the past few years i' ve been lucky enough( not sure if lucky is the right word) not too be working for someone else at the same time. I hate to call these businesses because I mainly did it for fun and the love of music but we did make money. My first businesses were bands, specifically rock cover bands, (playing other peoples music) in small clubs, bars and parties. Most of that money went into buying new instruments and PA equipment so it wasn' t the financial freedom aspect of a real business. The first was a band rehearsal studio called" The Pick Up Joint" . My other businesses have been the" financial freedom" type businesses.

The idea, was to provide, which was borrowed rooms( studios) for bands to play in without the worry of the police and upset neighbors. - luckily i was young at the time, i went into that project 185 pounds and lost 20 pounds and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. We rented a big warehouse, worked days at our" real" jobs and spent nights and weekends busting our butts building studios, and getting the place ready and sound proof. But we did it, we opened and soon we had plenty of business. There is nothing like being your own boss! WOW! Time came when the business needed more, we either had to grow or sell.

When push came to shove we decided to sell. - working a full time job and working nights and weekends was getting too much. The aspect of giving the security of a 9 - 5 job was difficult to leave and I had just bought a new house, so I felt I could not take the chance. New Focus. I always thought I made the wrong move. Since the closing of" The Pick Up Joint" I concentrated on my career, Information Technology. I also got married as well!

I went back to school, and worked my, got new positions way to a nice salary. - things went well for a while but then the bottom fell out around 200my company closed their eastern headquarters, and i was left without a job collecting unemployment. The Move. I was able to find a job, 000 less and, for 30 a 3 hour commute, I decided then and there I would not work for someone else again. An opportunity arrived and I decided to start a restaurant with my brother - in - law and at the same time help my wife run a small newspaper that we purchased. Two dreams put into place with one move, I got to be my own boss, and I got to move to the beach! !

We dropped everything, sold our house and invested all our equity and some borrowed money into two new businesses. - it hasn' t been easy, living at the beach is expensive, housing costs are crazy, and starting two new businesses is daunting, to say the least. I applied for, was offered and almost took a full time position in my old field, this for$ 20, 000 less than my last position. It' s been almost three years now and it' s been harder than I expected, there have been times when I' ve had to work for someone to make ends meet. I had a bad feeling about giving up a second time on my businesses so I declined the offer and decided that I would spend all my energy on my two current businesses and to see what other business I could get into without deny time to the other businesses and my family and self. The problem: I only have a few hours each day to devote to something new.

What to do. - i don' t have a lot of money to spend starting a new business. I had recently found out more about affiliate programs. That' s two huge problems to have. An email from another newspaper owner told us about an offer to use unused( not sold) newspaper ad space to become an affiliate for a company. Normally we have some free space so I decided to give it a shot. Meaning when we sell one of their products we get a commission.

We put in an ad and guess what? - that got the gears in my head spinning, what other businesses could i become affiliated with. We started getting checks for the ad space, WOW! I searched the Internet and what did I find? There' s one thing I will not sell and that is my integrity, I believe in karma. Junk, scams, lots of it, lies, you name it, cheaters. I searched, researched a hundreds of Make It Rich on the Internet programs, affiliate programs, Drop Shipping programs, Work from home, etc. , they all sounded good but the more I researched the more trouble I found.

I followed a link found on a user forum I belong to. - i had all but given up hope until. That link brought me to an Internet Marketing program that sounded much like the other ones out there in webland. I searched Internet Scam sites, User forums and, Web Police sites nobody had anything bad to say about the program. Except one, I couldn' t find anyone who had bad things to say about it. I Join In.

I' m now one week into my new business. - so, i joined. How is it going so far? The nice thing is I am excited about this program. Well sure I' ve had to put out some money( startup) , all new businesses need that. It' s an opportunity to use my one strength in this world.

I' m not lazy, when something needs to be done, I do it. - i know how to work hard! There' s a goal to be reach, I put my nose to the grindstone and reach it. Free ad space and networking opportunities to help other people reach their financial goals and mine as well. Plus it gives me an opportunity to combine the resources of my other businesses to help jumpstart the new business. Just the beginning. This article was meant to tell you how I got to this place, more to come as I progress through the program and grow my new business.

This article is just the beginning, it was created as part of the steps( 1 out of 30) to help my new Internet Marketing business grow. - good luck in following your dreams.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Aggressive Marketing Is The Driving Force Behind The Www

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Internet marketing consultant provides free leads to zija distributors at - at www. Aggressive marketing is the driving force behind the www.

ZijaPower. com, Zija distributors will discover just about every resource available for a successful home based business with perhaps one exception. - zijapower. com/ david zija distributor group and members directly reap rewards with referrals from viral internet marketing campaigns. A new business opens its doors in your neighborhood only to abruptly close within months. You' ve seen it time and again. Some of the best businesses have met the same results. The answer in most instances is quite simple.

Why is it that so many great businesses with great services and great products fail so miserably? - chances for success in the business world offer a small window of opportunity. What is the key? Without an adequate customer base that supplies consistent revenues, a company can quickly nose dive. What is the formula for quickly developing a good customer base? Once again, the answer may be simple. How do businesses prosper in this decade of uncertainty?

Vigorous and ongoing marketing efforts may offer the best chance for not only the survival of a business, but for its prosperity. - they provide large teams of marketing consultants working around the clock to ensure their success. Indeed, the greatest Fortune 500 companies thrive today because they spare no expense for non - stop marketing campaigns. Smaller companies and owners of home based businesses must feel that success for them would seem an insurmountable task. It is true that running a business without good marketing is much like having a store in the middle of a barren desert with no roads leading to it. With no real discipline in marketing, meager funds for advertising and with almost all of their time devoted to the day to day rigors of just running a business, it most certainly would appear to be a lost cause. However, there is hope for some wise entrepreneurs.

He has launched a worldwide viral Internet marketing campaign directly for the benefit of his down line distributors. - david salcido, an expert in viral internet marketing and zija international distributor is using his extensive marketing skills to build a huge zija moringa nutritional supplement beverage distributorship in a very unique way. David realizes that marketing is the life blood of all business. Mr. He also know that most Multi - Level Marketers( MLM) are deficient in the training, time and the money for successful marketing campaigns. Salcido encourages his down line distributors to continue implementing traditional word of mouth advertising campaign efforts to establish direct referrals to build a solid distributorship.

ZijaPower. com/ david distributor network will be the recipients of referrals developed from his worldwide Zija Internet marketing campaigns. - and as a reward and additional incentive for their efforts, participants of david salcido' s www. David believes that these leads in conjunction with efforts made by his down line may catapult his associates into a higher income bracket in the shortest timeframe possible. The www. He asserts that a little marketing help can go a long way toward helping others to reach their full potential and to financially secure their future. ZijaPower. com/ david viral Internet marketing campaign has already experienced terrific results as Google search and website hits are into the thousands. This is believed to result in hundred of new leads and hundreds of new distributor participants for his fortunate down line distributors.

David Salcido anticipates traffic on his website to reach the thousand a day mark in the very near future. - prospects for zija distribution can go to www. ZijaPower. com/ david for details.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Value Of Business

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Evaluating your business for sale - value of business. Ask three expert evaluators to come up with a value and there is a good chance they will come up with three numbers that are not close to one another.

What is the value of your business? - what is an owner to do when faced with this dilemma? The reason is simple enough. How did the experts determine the value and why did their final number vary from one another. There are subjective elements to every business evaluation. This will account for their differences in value. Each of these experts put a value on the subjective elements that goes along with their personal experience with the business that is being evaluated.

Most business people if they really did get three appraisals would take the highest one and be done with it. - what do the evaluators need in order to come up with a business evaluation? What is needed to make an evaluation. They need access to all of the financial records of the company. It is usually first in first out prices or last in last out prices. They need an inventory list and value based on whatever method is used to get this number. Both are valid means to value an inventory.

They will also speak to employees, suppliers and competitors to see how they think the company is doing. - projected sales figures and profit can be used to add some value for the future to a present day value. They will look at what similar businesses have sold for in the last couple of years and at the state of the present economy. It is this amalgamation of the old and the possible that causes the range of values from different experts. These evaluations will always be based on old information and with an ingredient of future prospects. Every evaluation needs to be heavily weighted to with future numbers or the price will be set to low.

With all of these numbers, the professional will use different methods to come up with a price After this is done, the numbers are looked at and a judgment is made as to what one seems to be the most correct. - it has to take into consideration the prospects for the company and its future business. Again this is a subjective decision. What have other businesses in the same industry sold for and how do they compare with the business that the evaluation is being done on. Comparisons of prior sales in the industry. This information is very helpful and should make the evaluation a little more realistic.

Where will the company be in three years. - these sales comps will set the tone for how other businesses were rated as to their sales and the selling price it should help in setting an asking price that represents the current value of the company. Looking at the growth curve of the business and assuming a similar rate of growth in the future, one could come up with where the company will be in three years. With this in mind, the price of the business should take this future outlook into account. If the growth has been stable for a number of years, there is every reason to think it will continue at a similar rate if no drastic changes are made and the customer base continues to grow. When this is explained to the buyer, then it must be validated with facts and figures that his advisors can peruse. Intangible factors to be considered.

A well - documented presentation will go along way in alleviating doubts and questions about how you came up with your numbers and the asking price. - there are some factors that enter into the evaluation of a business that cannot be reduced to shear numbers and accounting sheets. If they get a large percentage of the available business that is a plus factor for the business. If the business being evaluated has a significant standing in the industry then this is worth something in the price. If its reputation is impeccable then that is another factor that is difficult to put into accounting terms. This is why it is important to investigate and questions others about the company.

All of these intangibles when added together make the company more valuable than it would seem to be from just the financials. - if the business is the result of one strong individual who will not be there when it is sold, then that could present a problem that could be difficult to overcome. Intangible assets such as these are hard to put a number on unlike the hard assets of the company. Be very careful about this kind of business. Equipment can be valued at a depreciated value, which could then be used to set a foundation for the final price. This one question when answered will help with the question of should you buy the business. Is there going to be an ongoing need for your business.

A plumbing company will always be needed in our civilization. - a drywall company will probably always be able to find work. As will an electrical company. Is the business you are thinking of buying a company like one of these or could its business be done away with without any harm. Are there high tech innovations that are going to change the business and you have the expertise to make the change. If the business will always be in demand that is a very strong reason to consider its purchase. If this were the case, then you would have a leg up on other businesses like yours.

If you are able to bring the business into the modern age and take advantage of the new technology then you could make the business grow far beyond what it is today. - these are considerations with profound affects upon whether you should become the owner of not. This is the kind of opportunity that every buyer is looking for and few find. It is highly suggested that a seller bring in a certified business broker to help with the evaluation, the presentation materials and the finding of prospective buyers for the business. Conclusions. Since this is their business then this is something they usually can do far better than a seller can do it.

They have a vested interest in seeing the business sale go through. - the broker can help a great deal in the negotiations and the final stages of the sale. The most important thing that they can help with is developing the asking price. This creditable price is the basis for all other negotiations. After helping to set the price they can come up with justification that will stand the eagle eye of the buyers financial experts. The expert business broker can smooth things along and keep the ball rolling in the move to make the sale. When negotiations stall, then the sale is in jeopardy.

Their knowledge and experience can stop delays from happening and their damaging effects. - this should be avoided if at all possible. Their value cannot be overstated in a business sale. Bringing in the pro solves so many problems and can lead to a successful sale that is completed quickly and at a decent price.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Exactly What Is Your Idea Of Success

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Change your mind - change your life - do you dream of being the ceo of a fortune 500 company? Have you wanted to buy that new home you' ve dreamed of for so many years? And the Fortune 500 Company is your own?

Exactly what is your idea of success? - if you have not decided what you will do and what your life will be then someone will decide for you. Success is having achieved that which you determine you will do. It is up to you to determine what your success will be. Success may be something material, such as money or a new home. It is not dependent upon materialistic measurements and it cannot be based on any judgment other than your own.

It could be something egotistical, as the power and notoriety that comes with the position of CEO. - success may even be unselfish and altruistic, as seeing children in third world countries healthy and safe. It could be emotional, as finding love and commitment. Success has no particular name or identity. It means something different to each individual. There is no one method to describe what success is, other than the definition above. All successful people, have one thing, however in common - they act and for some, success is the journey.

The journey is what you do when you move, and build your, grow self and your business. - the journey in the end is the most important part of all. How you execute the journey can be hard or easy. If success is mandatory in your life then you owe it to yourself to follow a systematic process. A key to making the journey a success is to change your mind then change your life. Think about it what make s the building of a building so successful.

The people who build the people are not necessarily schooled in construction or architecture of a building. - it is that they follow a blueprint. Usually the brick layer knows how to lay bricks and the electrician puts the wires in the wall and the glass maker fills in the holes in the wall. The fact their is a project team that has always been at the beginning of any major success in life and that is the lesson we should be aware of when we embark on our journey of success. Individually they are all great, but none of them are builders of buildings by themselves. This has been true for the 7 wonders of the world and is still true today. So think about it, because when you change your mind it will force a change of life.

So don' t you put the burden of your success on yourself and try to do it all. - follow someone who has changed their life, think like them but be you. Follow their path but make it your own.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Like Any Google AdSense Publisher, You Will Want To Increase Your Google AdSense Income

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Google's adsense could be the secret piece you are missing - if you' ve been looking for an easy way to increase your webwebsite' s income, google adsense may be your answer. It appears some new on the net article submission webwebsites are attempting to increase on the net authors and articles by use of Google AdSense Sharing.

Like any Google AdSense Publisher, you will want to increase your Google AdSense income. - the other 5% are taking advantage of thisworld wide webmarketing tactic andworld wide web advertising, by using google adsense ads to make wealth on the net on the front and backend writing articles. Sidebar: There are various forums on theworld wide webthat focus on the techniques of using Google Adsense profitably. There are 3 points toworld wide webmarketing success writing articles and using Google Adsense ads. It' s no secret that I love Google' s AdSense program as it' s the first of its kind( & scale) to really change the landscape of theworld wide webby helping unitet their hundreds of thousands of advertisers with hundreds of thousands of webwebsites that are controlled by publishers and webmasters like you and I. To make the right decision which ads should be shown on the third party' s web pages, Google applies its Page Ranking technology, which is called information - targeting.

In Google AdSense, the advertisers' links show up on the third party' s page if the rich information of the page is relevant to those ads. - simply stated, google adsense invites webwebsite operators to place some code on their website that unitets to google' s ad server information database and pulls keyword - relevant advertising onto the web pages. Above all else, AdSense is an advertising distribution program: you' re renting space on your pages to Google for the display of advertisements drawn from its AdWords program. The huge thing about Google' s sophisticated advertising system is that the ads that display on your web pages are relevant to your information. In conclusion, Google Adsense makes many commerce owners a lot of wealth each month so if you are merely relying on affiliate programs to monetize your webwebsite traffic you might want to consider spending some time learning all you can about the Google Adsense program. Once that is done, you can start to put Google AdSense search boxes on every page of your webwebsite, but make sure that you' ve read the terms and conditions at Google first. This means that if you do a quick keyword analysis you may find an area that you think is very lucrative but the problem is that it may not have any affiliate programs for you to monetize your webwebsite traffic.

It is difficult not to be convinced about the AdSense program, and you can start off quite easily with a single page form which requires basic information about the type of account you would like to have( commerce or individual) , webwebsite information, select product( AdSense for information or AdSense for Search) and contact information. - there are some smart google adsense affiliates who have found a way of maximizing on the income they generate from a single article or piece of information. They are of course very wrong because many Google Adsense affiliates, including the writer of this article have dramatically increased their Adsense income with the help of free information available on the net to everybody. Often quoted by proponents of Model 3 is that the key to maximizing Google adsense income and indeed affiliate income was to engage in a" numbers game" . Tip# 2: Make sure the appropriate information and keywords are on the page so that Google Adsense can server your page relevant ads. Optimizing Google determines the information of the ads that are shown, webmasters serious about earning income from Google AdSense can use the following guidelines to optimize their webwebsite and ensure that targeted and relevant ads are served. This new ad system presents a list of 4 or 5 vertical links( you can pick either 4 or 5 and Google will supply the actually links) to your website searchers, when the searchers click on one of the targeted contextual words it displays a results page from Google listing ten Adwords advertiser' s ads for this related topic.

Note that there' s a difference between offending your searchers by showing any advertisements at all and offending them by showing the advertisements in so obnoxious a manner that all they want to do is leave your website. - this is to keep searchers from becoming confused and barking up google' s tree when they clicked on an ad that led to a porn website instead of the recipe website they were expecting to visit.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Voice Actors

Business, Entrepreneurship.

An overview of the voice over industry - voice over is a very distinct niche within the entertainment and audio recording industries. Take humans and trees for example.

Similar to an ecosystem, there is a natural order of things and diverse relationships that take shape, many of which are symbiotic, or, mutually beneficial to the parties they involve. - trees produce the oxygen we need to breathe. Following our exhalations, the trees then breathe in our CO2, which is their source of air, and the cycle thus continues as they instinctively produce more oxygen rich exhalation for us to inhale. When we exhale, or breath leaves our bodies, carbon dioxide is produced as a result. We then exhale carbon dioxide and the tree is nourished. you get the picture. For those that do exist, they are a necessary part of our voice over ecosystem, there wouldn, and without them' t be a balance.

Just as in nature, many relationships within voice over are complementary and there are very few self - serving relationships. - that is just the nature of things. Voice Actors. Let' s take a look at the roles we' ll be profiling this week with a brief overview on each, starting at the base of the ecosystem. A voice actor is the producer of the creative vocal work that is recorded and used for a variety of applications including commercials for radio, telephone, television, podcasts, video games and more. A voice actor is a creator of voice overs, and a voice over is the audio component of a media application commissioned by a client. The voice actor uses their natural gifts, predominantly their voice and mastery of it, to infuse life into the written word.

Voice actors are also known as voice talents, voice over artists, voice overs, VO, VA, narrators, orators, announcers, and so on. - a voice over coach or instructor is a person who is either a teacher of voice, or has extensive, voice acting practical experience working as a professional voice actor. Voice Over Coaches and Instructors. These people are trained to educate and are often associated with beginning voice actors or voice actors who are seeking to enrich or expand their voice over abilities through private coaching or workshops. The nature of a voice over coach is to teach but this person may also perform or cast( pick) voices for other projects. There are fewer voice over coaches than there are voice actors and their profession is in many cases related to the theory of Publish or Perish. Audio Engineers and Producers.

As an audio engineer, this person is usually employed by a larger recording studio or can also be a freelance producer who works independently, running their own production studio. - an audio engineer is a person who is highly skilled in the field of audio production, editing, including recording, mixing and mastering. There are schools where people can be trained to acquire skills in this technical aspect of the voice over business. Voice Over Agents and Talent Agencies. For voice actors who are not as savvy technology wise, these recording engineers and audio producers are heavily relied upon to help them produce their voice over demos or record broadcast ready work for clients. A voice over agent is a person who promotes and represents a voice actor, presenting their voice over work for consideration when a job that the voice actor is suited for becomes available. Agents usually represent voice actors who are either union or non - union depending on the agreement an agent has and if they are affiliated with a union.

An agent can be independent or part of a talent agency that operates similarly to a talent agency, meaning a company that employs several people as agents to build a brand and manage a variety of talent, not just voice actors. - agents take a commission on the work they acquire for their voice actor clients, usually in the 10% - 15% range for their services. A Finder' s Fee is also a term that applies to some agents and agencies. This could be a commission on top of what the voice actor makes or taken from the earnings directly. Casting Directors. It is the responsibility of the casting director to" cast" the right person in a role for a client who usually has little interest, or lacks the, ability confidence to" pick" the right voice to represent their company, or brand, project.

A casting director, specifically a voice over casting director, is someone who has an ear for picking the best candidate for a particular job. - the casting director wants to get the best possible performance out of an auditioning talent. A casting director charges a fee to the client for their time and expertise. It is their goal, to make a, in fact voice actor feel at ease because they need to evaluate all of their options in the best light to pick the most appropriate voice for their client' s campaign or project. Unions. Unions may take action on the behalf of their clients in cases where agreements are breached.

A union is a governing body that regulates terms of employment for their customers. - a voice actor pays union dues or fees to be affiliated with a union in order to receive particular services, or opportunities exclusive, benefits to the union. Being part of the union is not mandatory and there are more non - union voice actors in the world than there are unionized voice actors. While some unions have an open door policy allowing anyone to join so long as they meet membership fee requirements, there are other unions that are" invitation only" or other criteria. Voice Over Marketplaces. As the term" marketplace" implies, portals that perform this function connect buyers and sellers, for the purposes of this article, buyers and sellers of voice over services. A voice over marketplace is a location, where voice actors, typically based online can feature their voices and audition for job opportunities to acquire voice over work.

Voice over marketplaces serve both the buyer and seller, and in some instances, facilitate communications and or transactions between the two. - clients who purchase voice overs. As a voice over marketplace consolidates both talent and job opportunities, it is an integral part of any voice actors marketing efforts as well as the most convenient and effective source for clients to find voice actors and buy their services. Clients who purchase voice over services can be from any industry, and speak a, country variety of languages. Clients hire voice over talent to record for television, podcasts, radio, video games, film, audio books, animation, corporate presentations, telephone, and other purposes. Since the need for audio production is universal as well as the need for voice overs, the global market of clients creates an enormous demand for voice actors who provide quality voice over recordings to represent their company, or event, organization.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Answer Is Positive Mental Focus

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Break through the barriers & experience a life of unlimited potential - sometimes we miss what is plainly visible, or not hear what' s clearly said. We must learn to be mentally tough.

We are too busy counting the" ums" or watching the child next to us in church fidget. - just how important is positive mental focus? Life is not designed to be a struggle. We fail to recognize our own birthright and find ourselves trapped by self - imposed limitations. Talent alone will not make you a success. The most important question is" Are you ready to make the change? " Our thoughts are currency.

Neither being in the right place at the right time unless you are a ready to make a change, and you take action. - yes you read it correctly. Why is it that the things that you really want to get done always seen to be the things that you never get close to? Everything you think about you BUY. The answer is Positive Mental Focus. Whether you are looking for a better job, seeking inner - peace, or just trying to find a better place in this world, Positive Mental Focus is very important. 1) Surround yourself with positive influences( or simply pay more attention to the positive energy that' s already around you) . 2) Defend yourself against outside negative influences( co - workers, family and friends) . 3) Increase your awareness when and how often your thoughts are negative. 4) Replace any negative thought with a positive thought. The power of Positive Mental Focus can change our lives dramatically when implemented correctly.

How do you keep a Positive Mental Focus when many around you have a bad attitude towards their jobs, life, boss, spouse, government, relationships, and kids? - if your why is strong, you will know what you want your end result to be. One of the keys to keeping a Positive Mental Focus is always to remember your WHY. Ask yourself, "Have I lost my vision for what you started or are you in a slump or downtime. However, sometimes our lives change and you no longer have the desire or passion to continue along your path. If your ultimate goal is still there, you can work through your problems. It' s at these times you must re - evaluate what your life' s dreams are.

You will be amazed how easily you can change negative attitudes into positive attitudes if you have a clear focus on your WHY in life. - you have one life to live, so what' s the point of living it doing things that you hate. What so many people don' t realize and never learn is that we all have the power to mold and design our lives to fit our dreams. Not with a crystal ball, but with our imagination. We have the power to design our future. Everything you see started as a vision in someone' s mind before it became a physical reality. Your thoughts are currency.

Let' s go back to currency. - you buy whatever you think about - good or bad. Just imagine going shopping and BUYING everything you DIDN' T WANT OR NEED. The importance of a Positive Mental Focus becomes very important. That is a strange thought. Listening to the Negative Nellies around you who are still stuck in their life with little hope of long term success will not take us forward( see# 2 above) . Be frugal with your thoughts as you are with your money.

Focus on the goal, hit the ground running, and assimilate the proven system your company has in place. - the capacity to integrate more spiritual principles into business lies with each one of us. Build your emotional bank account rather than to continuing to waste it. The life, quality and appearance of business will continue to evolve with our willingness to continue refining our own spiritual growth. - Lynn - We all carry the Heart of the Entrepreneur within us!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Network Marketing Will Offer You Some Amazing Relationships That Will Also Change Your Income Level

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Network marketing/the way to wealth: then, now & in the future - when i first started to pay attention to network marketing, i would have to say that i really did not understand it. The most negative thing that is heard is the" pyramid scheme" phrase.

So it was easy for me to just accept the negative things I heard about it as truth. - i recently read in a book written by donald trump and robert kiyosaki entitled" why we want you to be rich" that" corporations are really pyramid schemes. A true network marketing business is designed to bring you to the top, not to keep you at the bottom. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO and everyone else below. A true network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top. " Fortunately equating network marking with pyramid schemes has become old school thinking. Moving from being an employee or a self employed person to a position of wealth can be an overwhelming task.

If you are an employee or are self employed it is very difficult to become wealthy, because wealth comes from having investments or having a big business organization. - building wealth requires a shift in mindset, tools and specific knowledge that is just not taught in the educational system. People who want to make a change in their lives have the opportunity with the network marketing model. That is the reason there are so many people who settle for being an employee or stay with the small business or professional service. Here' s why: 1) You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. 2) Generally, it cost much less to get started in network marketing than to build a business on your own. 3) Starting a network marketing business, even if it is in your spare time while maintaining your job, will allow you tax deductions that wealthy people take advantage of all the time. 4) In order to succeed, network marketing companies know that they must have a system that is easy to understand and anyone can do it. Remember the Herbal Essence shampoo commercial? The system is always duplicateable. 5) The power is in the multiplication.

Where they show the woman washing her hair and the voice over says" you' ll tell two people, then they' ll tell two people, then they' ll tell two people and so on. - these are skills that wealthy people possess. As the voice is saying that, the image of the woman washing her hair is multiplying, not just adding. 6) In network marketing you will find that there is a huge emphasis on personal development. In network marketing you will find people who will invest time in your education and help you build your business because it is in their best interest to do so. So an important part of becoming wealthy is to surround yourself with like - minded people. Network marketing is a great place to learn the financial literacy that traditional education seems to overlook. 7) People generally have the same income levels as those they spend time with.

Network marketing will offer you some amazing relationships that will also change your income level. - job markets are becoming more competitive. Corporations are cutting back pensions, and personnel, benefits. The cost of living is always on the rise. Young people are clearly seeing network marketing as their advantage with the concept of residual income and personal growth.

Social Security Is Not Secure

Business, Entrepreneurship.

Retirement: social security vs business ownership - on june 8, president franklin d, 1934. It was his goal to help protect millions of workers from poverty in their senior years.

Roosevelt announced his intention to provide a program for Social Security. - over the years many changes have taken place and social security is very different from the original plan. There is no money left in Social Security' s Trust fund. Here are the top ten reasons that Social Security isn' t the best way to plan for your retirement. The original plan was for people to voluntarily put money into an insurance plan. If more money was taken in than paid out the balance would be placed in an interest bearing account. The money was then put into a Trust Fund that would be used only for paying retirement benefits.

During President Lyndon Johnson' s administration, the funds were made available for use in other government programs. - but instead of saving this surplus, the government spends the money and writes the trust fund an" iou, " a special issue government bond to be paid back starting in 201the problem is that when the money comes due, it will still have to come from somewhere - taxes. For years Social Security has taken in more money that it has paid out. Social Security is subject to double taxation. During the Clinton Administration, Social Security benefits became taxable. Originally, the plan was to have the money paid into the program be tax deductible for income tax purposes. Now, you pay income tax on the money that is deducted from your pay check that goes into Social Security.

You have now been taxed twice on the same money. - then when you receive it, you may be taxed on all or part of your benefits if you have other income besides social security. Social Security is not enough to live on. I know of a woman who spent most of her adult life raising her family. Even if you work hard your whole life and pay into Social Security, there is a very slim chance you will have enough to live comfortably in retirement. At age 50, she will have to work until she is 70 to receive$ 566 per month.

High Social Security taxes prevent many people from being able to accumulate a savings account. - no one can live on$ 566 per month. Social Security and Medicare taxes are 13% of earned income. The current system is not fixable. With inflation at an all time high, few can afford to put away anything extra. The only way to fix Social Security' s problems is to raise taxes. Although hire taxes might relieve some of the problem, it most likely would not solve it, leaving the potential for future tax hikes.

This would have a major impact on average worker' s household budgets, would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, and take a, slow the economy bite out of any personal savings. - money is better spent in the hands of the people rather in the government' s hands. As has been proven in the past, the laws and rules that govern Social Security change according to who is in office at the time. Social Security is not secure. As new elected officials come in, new ideas come with them and change occurs. In 1950, there were 16 workers paying Social Security for every retired person receiving benefits. As More people retire and live longer there are less people paying in.

Today there are 3 per retiree. - the more you make the more you pay. By the year 2020, there will be 2 workers paying in per retiree. In the original program, participants would only have to pay 1% of the first$ 1, 400 of their annual incomes into the program. For most of human history, people lived and worked on farms in extended families and this was the foundation of economic Security. Today, individuals must pay 13% of the first$ 94, 200 and 95% on the rest of their income. 1Being self employed gives you the choice between paying into Social Security and investing in yourself. They were self employed.

When the Industrial Revolution developed, more and more people worked for other people. - as they grew older, children took over the family business and the retiree continued to receive income and benefits until death. When they retired there was no more income. Today is no different than earlier times. Thus Social Security was created. If you own your own business, you can either have a family member take over the business or hire someone to run it when you are ready for retirement. So, how does one solve the Social Security dilemma?

You can receive income until you die and then you can Will the income to your heirs. - start a business that can continue to provide for you even after you are ready to retire. There are many things you can deduct when you own a business that you cannot deduct ordinarily. The best way to do this is to turn a hobby or interest into a business. For example, lets say you have a hobby of wood working. If you turn it into a business, now you can deduct all the tools and supplies you use to make the items.

You have a room in your home and many tools you have purchased and you love to tinker and make decorative items out of wood. - the room you use in your home can be deducted by claiming a percentage of the rent, taxes, interest, utilities, and repairs to, insurance the house. Much of your travel expense may be deductible now. All of those things you are going to pay for whether you have a business or not. As you travel to visit your children and grandchildren you can make the trip deductible by checking on new ideas and materials that will improve your products, etc, attending trade shows. If you choose to sell products over the internet, your internet costs will now be deductible.

You may travel to craft and trade shows to sell your products. - the list goes on and on. Owning a business is a good alternative to the current popular retirement plans. By making these things tax deductible you can limit what you pay into Social Security and invest that money in your business or a savings program of YOUR choice. After you retire, you can keep doing what you love and create income to supplement your retirement and still keep tax deductions that most people loose in their retirement years. Owning a business gives you control over your quality of life when you choose to retire. If you choose a business that you can train others to do, then that business can produce income after you stop and generate passive income to supplement your retirement.