Business, Entrepreneurship.
Network marketing/the way to wealth: then, now & in the future - when i first started to pay attention to network marketing, i would have to say that i really did not understand it. The most negative thing that is heard is the" pyramid scheme" phrase.
So it was easy for me to just accept the negative things I heard about it as truth. - i recently read in a book written by donald trump and robert kiyosaki entitled" why we want you to be rich" that" corporations are really pyramid schemes. A true network marketing business is designed to bring you to the top, not to keep you at the bottom. A corporation has only one person at the top, generally the CEO and everyone else below. A true network marketing business does not succeed unless it brings people to the top. " Fortunately equating network marking with pyramid schemes has become old school thinking. Moving from being an employee or a self employed person to a position of wealth can be an overwhelming task.
If you are an employee or are self employed it is very difficult to become wealthy, because wealth comes from having investments or having a big business organization. - building wealth requires a shift in mindset, tools and specific knowledge that is just not taught in the educational system. People who want to make a change in their lives have the opportunity with the network marketing model. That is the reason there are so many people who settle for being an employee or stay with the small business or professional service. Here' s why: 1) You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. 2) Generally, it cost much less to get started in network marketing than to build a business on your own. 3) Starting a network marketing business, even if it is in your spare time while maintaining your job, will allow you tax deductions that wealthy people take advantage of all the time. 4) In order to succeed, network marketing companies know that they must have a system that is easy to understand and anyone can do it. Remember the Herbal Essence shampoo commercial? The system is always duplicateable. 5) The power is in the multiplication.
Where they show the woman washing her hair and the voice over says" you' ll tell two people, then they' ll tell two people, then they' ll tell two people and so on. - these are skills that wealthy people possess. As the voice is saying that, the image of the woman washing her hair is multiplying, not just adding. 6) In network marketing you will find that there is a huge emphasis on personal development. In network marketing you will find people who will invest time in your education and help you build your business because it is in their best interest to do so. So an important part of becoming wealthy is to surround yourself with like - minded people. Network marketing is a great place to learn the financial literacy that traditional education seems to overlook. 7) People generally have the same income levels as those they spend time with.
Network marketing will offer you some amazing relationships that will also change your income level. - job markets are becoming more competitive. Corporations are cutting back pensions, and personnel, benefits. The cost of living is always on the rise. Young people are clearly seeing network marketing as their advantage with the concept of residual income and personal growth.
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