Business, Entrepreneurship.
Confessions of a home business owner - a little bio about how i decided to own and operate my own businesses instead of working for someone else. I' ve now owned or been partners in 4 different businesses.
The Beginning. - for the past few years i' ve been lucky enough( not sure if lucky is the right word) not too be working for someone else at the same time. I hate to call these businesses because I mainly did it for fun and the love of music but we did make money. My first businesses were bands, specifically rock cover bands, (playing other peoples music) in small clubs, bars and parties. Most of that money went into buying new instruments and PA equipment so it wasn' t the financial freedom aspect of a real business. The first was a band rehearsal studio called" The Pick Up Joint" . My other businesses have been the" financial freedom" type businesses.
The idea, was to provide, which was borrowed rooms( studios) for bands to play in without the worry of the police and upset neighbors. - luckily i was young at the time, i went into that project 185 pounds and lost 20 pounds and nearly collapsed from exhaustion. We rented a big warehouse, worked days at our" real" jobs and spent nights and weekends busting our butts building studios, and getting the place ready and sound proof. But we did it, we opened and soon we had plenty of business. There is nothing like being your own boss! WOW! Time came when the business needed more, we either had to grow or sell.
When push came to shove we decided to sell. - working a full time job and working nights and weekends was getting too much. The aspect of giving the security of a 9 - 5 job was difficult to leave and I had just bought a new house, so I felt I could not take the chance. New Focus. I always thought I made the wrong move. Since the closing of" The Pick Up Joint" I concentrated on my career, Information Technology. I also got married as well!
I went back to school, and worked my, got new positions way to a nice salary. - things went well for a while but then the bottom fell out around 200my company closed their eastern headquarters, and i was left without a job collecting unemployment. The Move. I was able to find a job, 000 less and, for 30 a 3 hour commute, I decided then and there I would not work for someone else again. An opportunity arrived and I decided to start a restaurant with my brother - in - law and at the same time help my wife run a small newspaper that we purchased. Two dreams put into place with one move, I got to be my own boss, and I got to move to the beach! !
We dropped everything, sold our house and invested all our equity and some borrowed money into two new businesses. - it hasn' t been easy, living at the beach is expensive, housing costs are crazy, and starting two new businesses is daunting, to say the least. I applied for, was offered and almost took a full time position in my old field, this for$ 20, 000 less than my last position. It' s been almost three years now and it' s been harder than I expected, there have been times when I' ve had to work for someone to make ends meet. I had a bad feeling about giving up a second time on my businesses so I declined the offer and decided that I would spend all my energy on my two current businesses and to see what other business I could get into without deny time to the other businesses and my family and self. The problem: I only have a few hours each day to devote to something new.
What to do. - i don' t have a lot of money to spend starting a new business. I had recently found out more about affiliate programs. That' s two huge problems to have. An email from another newspaper owner told us about an offer to use unused( not sold) newspaper ad space to become an affiliate for a company. Normally we have some free space so I decided to give it a shot. Meaning when we sell one of their products we get a commission.
We put in an ad and guess what? - that got the gears in my head spinning, what other businesses could i become affiliated with. We started getting checks for the ad space, WOW! I searched the Internet and what did I find? There' s one thing I will not sell and that is my integrity, I believe in karma. Junk, scams, lots of it, lies, you name it, cheaters. I searched, researched a hundreds of Make It Rich on the Internet programs, affiliate programs, Drop Shipping programs, Work from home, etc. , they all sounded good but the more I researched the more trouble I found.
I followed a link found on a user forum I belong to. - i had all but given up hope until. That link brought me to an Internet Marketing program that sounded much like the other ones out there in webland. I searched Internet Scam sites, User forums and, Web Police sites nobody had anything bad to say about the program. Except one, I couldn' t find anyone who had bad things to say about it. I Join In.
I' m now one week into my new business. - so, i joined. How is it going so far? The nice thing is I am excited about this program. Well sure I' ve had to put out some money( startup) , all new businesses need that. It' s an opportunity to use my one strength in this world.
I' m not lazy, when something needs to be done, I do it. - i know how to work hard! There' s a goal to be reach, I put my nose to the grindstone and reach it. Free ad space and networking opportunities to help other people reach their financial goals and mine as well. Plus it gives me an opportunity to combine the resources of my other businesses to help jumpstart the new business. Just the beginning. This article was meant to tell you how I got to this place, more to come as I progress through the program and grow my new business.
This article is just the beginning, it was created as part of the steps( 1 out of 30) to help my new Internet Marketing business grow. - good luck in following your dreams.
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